Planned versus Real Life

First, a little update : The Queen is now visiting Ελλάδα ( It means Greece, ignorants). She is residing in the small town of Βάρκιζα, a suburb of Αθήνα.
Most importantly, she would like to thank the Σπέγγος family for their warm welcome and generosity. (Is this getting old?)
There will be more about the Queen's Hellenic adventures in a few days, when she will actually have some. (Hellenic? look it up)
The topic of today's post is to share with you what has happened to my plans for my life on the road: What came through, what is still trying to come through, what failed miserably, you get it.
The Plan : Good Queen | Real Life: Bad Queen |
6:30 AM: The Queen wakes up, rested and ready for a day of accomplishments | 6:30AM: ZZZZZZZ.... |
7:00 AM: The Queen embarks on a session of meditation, cleaning up her mind, visualizing her day. | 7:00 AM: zzzzzzzz.... |
7:30 AM: Shower, teeth brushing, facial massage, maybe a quick hydrating mask? | 7:30 AM: The Queen opens one royal eyelid, and reaches for her phone to check the time. She remembers she cannot see without her glasses. She finds them under the covers, miraculously intact. 7:30? Ugh. Eyelid closes back. |
8:00 AM: Yoga time! | 8:00 AM: Shower, teeth brushing. |
8:30 AM: All stretched and warmed up, time to go for a run or a swim in the open waters. The queen slips into the appropriate outfit, neatly prepared by her the day before. | 8:30 AM: The Queen turns the TV on while looking for her sneakers. She remembers she threw them across the room the day before. Clean socks? Nah. |
Good Queen runs like the wind | Bad Queen runs, then walks, then runs again, then decides she hates running, still runs. |
9:30 AM: Barely tired, a cute rosy tone on her cheeks, silver droplets of odorless sweat on her forehead, the Queen stops for a rewarding cappuccino at a cute coffee shop. | 9:30 AM : Huffing and puffing, one hurting knee, a lake of sweat pouring down her back, the Queen stops for a rewarding cappuccino at a cute coffee shop. |
10:00 AM: Time to plan the day for some cultural activities. Is there a museum around? ruins? a gallery? | 10:00 AM : zzzzzzzzz.... |
11 AM to 2 PM: The Good Queen nourishes her brain and consciousness with interesting local content, she meets people, she fraternizes, she learns. She eats a nice fresh organic local salad. | 11 AM to 2 PM: Depends. What kind of mood is the Bad Queen in? Maybe a murder on TV? Maybe a stroll ? Maybe a long phone call with a friend? She just enjoys being alone and doing whatever she pleases. She eats. Something. Hopefully not too bad for her. No dessert though. |
2PM to 11PM : The Good Queen works. | 2PM to 11PM : The Bad Queen works. |
11:30 PM : The Good Queen falls asleep peacefully, her day has been good and productive. | 11:30 PM: Time for mindless stuff: Phone games, bad TV, some snacking maybe? Who cares, her day has been free and has been hers. |
Je me suis eclate de rire en te lisant!!! :)
Ca fait plaisir de voir que the Queen Colette est humaine! :)
carry on sis!
The Queen's brother feel the same while running .... must be a royal attitude :)